
The Real Reasons We Drink was an experiment in bringing local history to life. In a performance curated and presented by its regulars, a pub became the setting and the subject of a pointedly personal, entirely subjective presentation of its own history – for one night only.

The Ranelagh pub in Bounds Green, North London, is a social centre of its community. It’s been the spontaneous pint, the all-nighter, the first date, the hair of the dog and the unofficial babysitter since 1861. We spent months collecting interviews with The Ranelagh’s customers and former staff, which we then combined with archival research and original music to create a live event shaped by its participants and unique to its location.

“An organic, interactive and personal history of the pub ... an honest and humbling discovery of a community’s history. A real labour of love.”
A Younger Theatre

“The show’s main strength is in the personal stories, which are, in their own ways, either poignant, utterly irreverent or downright hilarious ... [a] fascinating production.”

The Real Reasons We Drink was supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and performed at The Ranelagh in Bounds Green in October 2015. It was created by Miriam Sherwood, Will Gardner, Eleanor Harding and Annie Ward, with support from Thom Andrewes, under the name Travelling Tent.

Visit the Real Reasons We Drink digital timeline here.